03 Jun

Photobiomodulation: Tendinitis or Tendinosis?

A tendinopathy is a term to describe pain, swelling, and functional impairment to a tendon. Photobiomodulation (also knowns as cold laser therapy) has been shown to treat the symptoms in both tendinitis and tendinosis, as well as performing as a reliable adjunct in the rehabilitative process. The intention of this article is to shed some light on how photobiomodulation can help heal the damaged tissue. Additionally, clarity will be introduced on how tendinitis differs from tendinosis.

27 Apr

Fight Chronic Inflammation and Chronic Pain with Antioxidants!

Chronic inflammation will make joints feel stiff, nerves more sensitive, muscles more spastic, zap your energy, and generally make you feel lethargic. One helpful step you can take while trying to sort out the source of chronic inflammation is to increase your consumption of anti-inflammatory foods, which are typically high in antioxidants.