Cold Laser Therapy

Cold Laser Therapy is an innovative treatment for a variety of acute and chronic – often painful – conditions.

At IPA Physio Portland we are trained and certified in the use of the BioFlex laser system. We have multiple laser units and provide our clients with a friendly and comfortable environment for cold laser treatments.

Call to schedule your free 15-minute consultation!


General Overview

Laser light stimulates your cells to produce more energy

Accelerates your bodies natural healing processes

Restores normal cellular structure and function

Prevents future injury

What you will experience

Pain relief

Reduced inflammation & swelling

Restored mobility

Accelerated recovery from injury

Why Cold Laser Therapy

Heal the problem, stop masking the pain

Safe, drug-free and no side effects

Avoid or delay the need for surgery

Accelerate and strengthen the body’s natural healing mechanisms

How Light Helps Heal Your Body

Light plays a very important role in our existence as humans. Similar to how plant cells require light for photosynthesis, human cells absorb and are stimulated to create more energy when exposed to specific wavelengths of light.

Light therapy is not a new concept. Light has been and continues to be used to treat a wide number of medical conditions. Psoriasis and acne, for example, or seasonal affective disorder and tuberculosis were all treated using sunlight before the advent of medications. Many individuals with arthritis will testify that their pain reduces on a sunny day or while on a vacation to a sunny destination.

When we experience inflammation from an injury, energy production within the stressed cells slows down, limiting the cell’s ability to function normally. Reduced energy production reduces the cell’s capacity to function and endure additional stress. When cellular stress exceeds the energy production, the cell will die, triggering, and sustaining the inflammatory process. Furthermore, blood flow to these areas also gets interrupted restricting the ability of important nutrients to be delivered to cells that need to heal.

Injuries can linger or become chronic if the tissues get stuck in the cycle of cellular death and inflammation, perpetuating pain, muscle guarding and limited function of the affected region. When the tissues are exposed to the appropriate dose and wavelength of light, cellular energy production is restored, enhancing the cell’s ability to heal. The net effect is to restore the affected region to normal function and eliminate pain and increase range of motion without medications or surgery.

Cold laser therapy is a remarkable and breakthrough solution for musculoskeletal pain because it delivers a concentrated amount of healing light wavelengths directly to the target tissues. Tissues such as bones, ligaments, muscles, nerves and cartilage that would otherwise not be exposed to light can be treated with this technology. By delivering the specific, healing wavelengths of light, the overall power can be kept at a very low level which will not burn or otherwise harm the skin or other tissues.

The Science

Research conducted in the field of laser therapy has demonstrated time and time again that human cells heal better and faster when the right dosage and wavelengths of light energy get delivered to them.

Here are just a few of the published articles that scientifically demonstrate the amazing impact Cold Laser Therapy can have on your body!

  • Efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of neck pain
  • The Effect of Low-Level Laser in Knee Osteoarthritis
  • Low-level laser therapy in meniscal pathology
  • The Effects of Laser Tretment in Tendinopathy
  • Efficacy of low level laser therapy associated with exercises in knee osteoarthritis
  • Proposed Mechanisms of Photobiomodulation or Low-Level Light Therapy
  • Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) in bone repair
  • How Does Bioflex Laser Therapy Work?

    The Bioflex system delivers light based energy to cells helping to accelerate the body’s natural healing process at the cellular level. Injured cells are targeted resulting in elimination and prevention of pain, reduction of inflammation and swelling, and increased range of motion. Laser therapy does not mask the pain, it actively stimulates healing to resolve conditions for the long term.

    The BioFlex System is a three step process using two different and very specific wavelengths of light administered by a trained laser therapist.

    The first two steps utilize a light array consisting of over 240 superluminous light emitting diodes (LEDs). Step one delivers red light at 660 nanometers (the wavelength) of light which gets absorbed by cells of the skin and underlying shallow muscles layers. 660 nanometers has been shown to reduce pain sensitivity and improve blood flow.

    The second step uses the same array to deliver near infrared light at 830 nm. This wavelength penetrates further to affect deeper layers of muscles, tendons and ligaments to reduce inflammation and heal damaged tissues. These steps can range from 6-20 minutes each.

    The third step includes the use of a higher power laser wand to deliver 830 nm of light specifically over the source of pain. This light is highly concentrated and targets the deepest affected tissues, including bone. The wand will be placed on the skin for several seconds and then moved slightly to a new position, repeating this process for the prescribed amount of time. The movement helps to ensure that the entire surface area of injured tissues are treated.

    In combination, these steps lead to the reduction and eventual elimination of pain by accelerating the healing process.

    Visit the BioFlex Laser Therapy page to learn more about why we chose to partner with BioFlex instead of other brands of Cold Laser Therapy systems.

    The Rehabilitation Experts

    • How Does it Help Me?
      Decrease Inflammation and Edema – Increase in inflammatory mediators such as macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes accelerates and resolves the inflammatory process and eliminates pain.

      Increased muscle regeneration and reduce muscle atrophy. Accelerated repair of damaged muscle fibers by activation of myogenic satellite cells.

      Increase in collagen production – proper alignment of remodeling of collagen reduces internal scar formation and enhances tissue elasticity.

      Increased cartilage production – Increase in chondrocyte and collagen production allows for improved cartilage deposition and joint function

      Increased bone – the proliferation of osteocytes and remodeling of bone extracellular matrix results in accelerated bone repair.

      Increased angiogenesis and neovascularization – an increase in oxygenated blood to the injured tissues accelerates tissue healing.

      Increase Nerve Regeneration – Proliferation of growth factors promotes neuronal sprouting and myelin formation for optimal nerve recovery

    • What does it feel like?
      The treatment is entirely painless. Most patients do not experience any sensations at all, however, there are some reports of slight tingling or warmth to an area during treatment. Any heating that occurs is generated by the nature of the equipment or is from the physiological effects of increased blood flow. The power of the laser and wavelengths used will not create any actual heating effect in the tissues. Occasionally there are reports of light soreness after a treatment depending on the nature of the condition treated. Typically this sensation is gone after 1-2 treatments as the tissues adapt.
    • What are the side effects?
      Besides the occasional soreness, there are no side effects. In over 10,000 studies looking at cold laser therapy, there have been 0 reports of negative side effects.
    • Is it safe?
      Yes. Cold laser therapy is non-invasive, non-toxic, and will not interact with medications that you are taking. The laser will not burn you or create any heating effect. Laser therapy will not interact with or negatively impact the function of any implants, pacemakers, or other devices. The only caution that needs to be taken is the use of goggles to prevent any exposure of concentrated light to the eye.
    • How many treatments will I need?
      After your initial assessment, you will be presented with an individualized treatment plan that is aimed at helping you achieve the best results. The number of suggested treatment sessions will depend on the condition being treated. Typically, results are experienced within 3-5 treatments. Full resolution can take anywhere from 5 to 30 treatments. Most conditions can resolve fully with cold laser therapy. For chronic conditions, such as osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease, it may be recommended to continue with maintenance treatments once every 1 to 3 months to maintain positive results.
    • How long are the treatments?
      The length of a BioFlex Laser Therapy treatment is approximately 30-60 minutes, depending on the area and condition being treated. There are several benefits of using lower power systems and using longer durations of 30-60 minutes:

      • Increased response within the local tissues
      • Promote downstream or secondary benefits where the effects of the laser are carried deeper into the local tissues and downstream from the blood promoting changes throughout the body
      • Avoids oversaturation of the tissues which can inhibit the desired healing response which often occurs in higher-powered/class 4 lasers
      • Low power systems allow you to maintain direct contact with the skin without the risk of burning or damaging the tissues.

    • Is there exposure to harmful radiation?
      No. BioFlex Laser Therapy does not use harmful radiation. It uses specific wavelengths of light (660nm, 830nm & 840nm) to heal targeted areas. If you have read the word “radiation” associated with cold laser therapy, it is referring to the transmission of energy from light to the cells.
    • When should I start laser therapy?
      It is never too early or late to start using laser therapy. Recent or acute injuries respond very quickly from the application of laser therapy. It is our recommendation that immediately upon sustaining an injury laser therapy is initiated to reduce the issues associated with swelling and to accelerate your recovery. Chronic issues take time to respond, but they DO respond. Patience is often required in chronic conditions as it can take 5-10 treatments before benefits are experienced.
    • What regulations are associated with Bioflex System?
      The BioFlex systems (manufactured by MediTech International Inc, 411 Horner Ave, Unit #1, Toronto, ON, CA, M8W 4W3) have Health Canada Device Licenses (use Company Id 106854 to search the Health Canada Device License Database) and have been cleared by the FDA. All BioFlex systems have been awarded the UL safety mark, and The BioFlex Professional system (which is what we use) has the CE Mark. The manufacturer is also audited for ISO quality standards compliance.

    Laser Therapy In Comparison to Other Treatments


    • Nontoxic and noninvasive – no needles or scalpels needed!
    • No negative side effects – avoid all side effects associated with pharmaceuticals
    • Promotes natural cellular mechanisms and facilitates the bodies natural ability to heal itself
    • Does not negatively impact the use of other medications – medications that promote photosensitivity are the exception
    • Completely safe to use around pacemakers and artificial implants
    • Postpone, even avoid surgery
    • Even if surgery is needed, treating the area with laser prior to the procedure will accelerate your body’s ability to recover after the surgery. Using laser after surgery will also be a catalyst to your recovery

    Things to Consider

    • Laser therapy is not currently covered by insurance companies
    • It takes longer than an injection to administer
    • Multiple treatments are required
    • Tattoos can negatively impact the effectiveness of the laser as the ink can heat up when exposed to the light


    • Help to reduce pain and inflammation
    • Easily accessible and results are quick

    Things to Consider


    • Cortisone is a synthetic version of cortisol, a steroid produced by the body’s adrenal glands. In large quantities, cortisol suppresses the immune system’s inflammatory and allergic responses. Cortisone medications mimic the action of cortisol but tend to be more powerful.
    • Results are often experienced in short time and tend to last several days to months

    Things to Consider


    • Physical Therapy is highly effective in the ability to improve mobility, flexibility and strength through strategies including exercises, hands-on therapies and relaxation techniques
    • Works on the muscles surrounding the affected joints with the goal of improving overall mobility
    • Strengthening areas that may be weak and can be very helpful in the overall process of reducing pain and improving quality of life

    Things to Consider

    • There is no direct effect on the cells of the damaged tissues. Rather stress is taken off these vulnerable areas.


    • Typically covered through MSP
    • With some extremely chronic and severe conditions, surgery may be the best treatment choice

    Things to Consider

    • A very drastic and invasive procedure which is commonly unnecessary
    • Delayed and painful recovery time interfering with work, exercise, and daily activities
    • Dangerous due to complications with anesthetics and risk of infections
    Laser Therapy


    • Nontoxic and noninvasive – no needles or scalpels needed!
    • No negative side effects – avoid all side effects associated with pharmaceuticals
    • Promotes natural cellular mechanisms and facilitates the bodies natural ability to heal itself
    • Does not negatively impact the use of other medications – medications that promote photosensitivity are the exception
    • Completely safe to use around pacemakers and artificial implants
    • Postpone, even avoid surgery
    • Even if surgery is needed, treating the area with laser prior to the procedure will accelerate your body’s ability to recover after the surgery. Using laser after surgery will also be a catalyst to your recovery

    Things to Consider

    • Laser therapy is not currently covered by insurance companies
    • It takes longer than an injection to administer
    • Multiple treatments are required
    • Tattoos can negatively impact the effectiveness of the laser as the ink can heat up when exposed to the light
    Over the Counter Pain Medications


    • Help to reduce pain and inflammation
    • Easily accessible and results are quick

    Things to Consider



    • Cortisone is a synthetic version of cortisol, a steroid produced by the body’s adrenal glands. In large quantities, cortisol suppresses the immune system’s inflammatory and allergic responses. Cortisone medications mimic the action of cortisol but tend to be more powerful.
    • Results are often experienced in short time and tend to last several days to months

    Things to Consider

    Physical Therapy


    • Physical Therapy is highly effective in the ability to improve mobility, flexibility and strength through strategies including exercises, hands-on therapies and relaxation techniques
    • Works on the muscles surrounding the affected joints with the goal of improving overall mobility
    • Strengthening areas that may be weak and can be very helpful in the overall process of reducing pain and improving quality of life

    Things to Consider

    • There is no direct effect on the cells of the damaged tissues. Rather stress is taken off these vulnerable areas.


    • Typically covered through MSP
    • With some extremely chronic and severe conditions, surgery may be the best treatment choice

    Things to Consider

    • A very drastic and invasive procedure which is commonly unnecessary
    • Delayed and painful recovery time interfering with work, exercise, and daily activities
    • Dangerous due to complications with anesthetics and risk of infections

    Discover Your Potential

    Call IPA Physio Portland now to schedule your free 15-minute consultation, or fill out the contact form to get your free copy of our Cold Laser Therapy Brochure and more information on how Laser Therapy can change your life!

    Phone: (503) 616-0313