28 Jul

Our Core: Tensegrity and Spinal Stabilization

Our spinal column serves to protect our nervous system and is an attachment site for the muscles, ligaments, nerves, guts and fascia, it stores kinetic energy and it helps transfer the loads of the body into our base of support. To function effectively, the spinal column needs to be both stiff and flexible at the same time. This dynamic dance of stiffness and flexibility is orchestrated by the brain’s incredible ability to control a symphony of muscles around the spine.

27 May

Our Core: The Functional Pressure System

The term “core strength” often invokes the image of ripped six pack abs and trimmed obliques. Spinal stabilization is another term that is commonly associated with core function. Although the abdominals and obliques serve important roles in generating efficient movement of our bodies, in isolation they do not serve as effective stabilizers of the spine. The intention of this article is to give the reader a functional context of how our core functions and how postural strategies impact core function.

Hand Art with Health, Whole Person, Healing, and more phrases relating to the article.

07 May

Health and Wellness: What Every Patient Should Know

Inherent to this goal is our desire to help you feel better, move better, and live better. This article provides information that we believe is foundational to the understanding of overall health and healing.

27 Apr

Fight Chronic Inflammation and Chronic Pain with Antioxidants!

Chronic inflammation will make joints feel stiff, nerves more sensitive, muscles more spastic, zap your energy, and generally make you feel lethargic. One helpful step you can take while trying to sort out the source of chronic inflammation is to increase your consumption of anti-inflammatory foods, which are typically high in antioxidants.

29 Jan

Stiff Neck Solutions

Waking up with a “kink in your neck” is never the way to get the day off to a good start. I, myself, have woken up with this problem on more than one occasion. More often than not this can be a very preventable problem when adhering to proper sleep postures and positioning.