22 Mar

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR): The ultimate shortcut to building muscle?

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) is a technique that uses a medical grade tourniquet around the upper arm or upper leg to restrict blood flow while exercising. I know, this sounds…

07 Oct

Photobiomodulation and Platelet Rich Plasma: How do they stack up?

Photobiomodulation (PBM) and platelet rich plasma (PRP) are two well researched and effective forms of regenerative medicine, praised for their ability to repair and heal the body. Painful and debilitating conditions that were once managed through long-term, ongoing medication such as opioids, steroids or NSAIDs can now be targeted and treated through regenerative medicine techniques. PBM and PRP each have proved to promote healing factors in cells when studied in isolation, but research shows the effectiveness of their results are enhanced when they are combined.

28 Jul

Our Core: Tensegrity and Spinal Stabilization

Our spinal column serves to protect our nervous system and is an attachment site for the muscles, ligaments, nerves, guts and fascia, it stores kinetic energy and it helps transfer the loads of the body into our base of support. To function effectively, the spinal column needs to be both stiff and flexible at the same time. This dynamic dance of stiffness and flexibility is orchestrated by the brain’s incredible ability to control a symphony of muscles around the spine.

25 Jun

The Tremendous Trio: Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Calcium

Deficiencies in these or any other nutrient can lead to elevated or sustained levels of pain and inflammation. As with all nutrients, acquiring these through food is ALWAYS the best option, as nutrients are co-dependent. Because they must be eaten in certain combinations to have full effect, multi-vitamins are NOT the best option for obtaining these nutrients because a large percentage of those minerals have to compete with each other, causing only minuscule amounts to actually be absorbed.